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Personalized Care Act (ICHSA) Could and Should End Employer-Based Health Insurance

In 2016 I predicted that an individual health policy would be an eligible pre-tax expense by 2020. On January 2020, the Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Account (ICHRA) was enacted, and employees for the first time in 75+ years could buy an individual policy with pre-tax dollars if their employer adopted an ICHRA.

In 2022 and again when interviewed in 2023 by the Freedom Hub Working Group ICHRA: The Key to Consumer Healthcare Empowerment ( I said the ICHRA did not go far enough. An ICHRA still leaves the employer in control of adopting the ICHRA. We need to adopt ICHSA’s, making the premium of an individual health insurance policy an eligible expense under a Health Savings Account. An ICHSA would take control from the employer and give it to the employee.

I am not saying I am Nostradamus here or care to take credit for predicting change. I do believe it is important to look at the market and do a business risk assessment if you are in the benefits business. I wrote about this with my article, “A Zombie Movie and the Relationship to Trump’s HRA Changes“.

My belief, which I also believe is shared by the majority in Washington, is that it is our employer health insurance financing system that is driving up the costs of the underlying markets. Much like college education, the financing system drives the price of the product, not the other way around. If you give an 18-year-old who has no job and no assets $50,000 per year to purchase college, colleges will become country clubs. In health insurance, our financing system denies employee choice and therefore we do not have a true consumer market driven system. Our employer-based financing system is the root cause of health care cost inflation because it denies consumer choice that we have for almost every other product we buy in the U.S.

The ICHSA is now on the horizon. The Personalized Care Act, proposed by a group of Republicans (See article here: ) would make the premium for the purchase of an individual health insurance policy an eligible expense under an HSA, thus making the purchase a pre-tax expense.

If this happens employer-based insurance is over. Younger people working for many companies would be able to buy insurance on the individual markets often at prices lower than what their employee contribution is today for a group plan. Those under 30 could buy Catastrophic coverage at even lower costs. Young people leaving the employer risk pools would cause a death spiral driving up the costs for those who remain on an employer plan. Other employees would simply ask employers to give them the contribution they would have given them for health insurance in their pay, so they could buy a plan. Employers who don’t provide contributions for dependent coverage would result in almost all dependents, particularly younger ones, going to the individual markets.

I would add that I think most employers and employees would want this. Very few employers want to be in the middle of health insurance. I have written in the past that this is a misplaced responsibility.

This is a much-needed change and will begin the process of reconstructing our health care financing and underlying health care pricing system. Consumer choice should drive down costs, requiring the system to operate more efficiently to maintain profitability. This system is much like the Bismarck System used in other countries. The U.S. is not blazing a new path here.

Mike Pires and I started Enrichly ( anticipating this market shift. It is our belief that current benefits programs aren’t very beneficial for most. Employers want to help their employees, not impose high health insurance costs on them from ever growing employee contributions. Our Enrichly program is designed to enrich employee’s lives. By allocating existing benefit dollars in a different and more efficient way, we think employers can create more value for all their employees, not just those who are high health care utilizers.

Changing Health Care in America – Video

 Employee benefits are inequitable — and it’s getting worse

Read my recent article as published in Employee Benefit News. See the link below.

As long as employers control employees’ healthcare, life-saving technologies will go underutilized

A familiar mantra about why health insurance is so expensive is that the cost of healthcare is expensive. I have always disagreed with this statement. It is the third-party financing through employers that drives the underlying costs — not vice versa.

Our current financing system provides inferior healthcare for many and inhibits adoption of new and emerging technologies. This often results in poorer health outcomes and, at times, even death. It also creates false vendor markets created by misplaced incentives.

But there’s an easy fix. By changing incentives, we can develop more efficient healthcare markets, better care and lower costs.

To read the rest of the article as it was published in Employee Benefits News click HERE .


This was my first post on my other blog titled, New Health Care for America. I am republishing this here because this is a different audience. It is intended to start discussion.

To start my blog about fixing health care I thought I would start with just making some comments that in my heart of hearts I believe to be true. These are random thoughts but my thoughts. Anyone who wants to add to them feel free to jump in.

Most Americans want everyone to have access to health care.

Providers of care, generally care. They want to do good.

Our chaotic pricing of health care is caused by our financing model. Everyone has a deal, and everyone is trying to push the cost onto someone else.

Our health care financing system is the cause of escalating health care cost. Fix health care financing and you will reduce health care costs. The insurance industry thinks it is the other way around. I disagree.

We will never fix the system until the incentives are properly aligned. Providers of care need to be rewarded for keeping people healthy and being efficient.

Employers don’t want to be in the health insurance business. Most would get out if they could.

Employers are blocking access to higher quality and more affordable health care. I will write about this one. 

I can lower my own costs easier than my employer.

Health insurance should not be tied to a job.

I want all my health care information in one spot.

Artificial Intelligence can possibly save my life. However, it can’t work if my data is scattered all around. 

I want my doctor to have all my health care information so he/she can properly advise me.

I don’t want my employer to be involved in my health care. 

I want my doctor to be incented to keep me healthy.

I am never going to understand how the whole system works so it better be easy or I need someone to guide me through.

On second thought, it should be so easy nobody would need a guide. 

When people have health issues, they don’t want to be worrying about how to navigate the system.

Low cost care, like office visits and tests, should not be insurance. Insurance is designed to protect oneself from an unanticipated event that could cause long term financial harm.

Health Spending Accounts are a good idea.

If the government wants everyone to buy insurance, then it should be with pre-tax dollars for all.

Everyone in the system thinks the other guy is ripping them off. Health insurers blame the providers and the providers blame the insurers. The brokers blame everyone. People should look in the mirror. 

The whole country can run on 10 health insurance options.

Revision – after talking to some people, I think we only need 5

Fee for service needs to go away.

Price transparency is a feel good, bad idea. It won’t fix anything. Which is why fee for service needs to go away.

Health insurance should not be a 1-year term policy. You insurance people know what I mean.

Health insurance should be a whole-life policy.

As long as we have rules that let people game the system, they will.

Employers are dumping their bad risks into the individual market if they can. This is one of the games.

The government is the biggest driver of escalating costs through tax policies.

Most health care dollars pay Americans. If we reduce costs 20%, who is losing?
I think we can reduce administrative costs to around 5%-7% but not under the current system.

Everyone should watch Mark Bertolini’s presentation to the Mayo Clinic. He presents the future of health care.

Webinar Invite – Bring a Unique New Benefits Solution to the Market

January 14th and 19th from 12:00 – 12:30 EST

Register Now

Do you want to challenge the status quo of benefits and bring a new idea to market that can grow your business? In this webinar we will introduce a new idea and demonstrate a new product we are bringing to market. We think the current benefits market is very broken and we will show you some data that supports this that will astound most brokers. Working with some MIT Technologists we have developed a new model that benefits consultants can deliver that can improve an employer benefits program and bring more value to employees.

The Agenda is as follows:

  • Why the Current System is Broken
  • The Data That Supports It
  • A New Benefits Model
  • The New Formula for a Modern Benefits Program
  • The Marketing Campaign to Grow Your Business

If you would like to attend just click on the Register Now button. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at 508-498-7591.

Webinar Invite – How to Get the January BOR

December 3rd or 8th – 12:00 EST

Register Now

Are you looking to grow your business in 2021? Then why not start now. In this webinar we will show you how using the New Math of Health Insurance can improve an employer’s benefits program and employee satisfaction for the same or less money. This compelling differentiator can generate a sense of urgency for the employer to act now because every month the employer delays may cost their employees money. A renewal that was thought to be “put to bed” will be reconsidered because this option was not shown by their current broker. This can be the wedge to get employers to change their broker immediately.

The Agenda

  • Why a Renewal May Not Really be “Put to Bed”
  • Review of the New Math of Health Insurance and Benefits
  • The Value Proposition for Employers and Employees
  • How to Create the Wedge
  • The Marketing and Sales Plan
  • The BOR

This webinar is for those brokers who want to grow their business and start 2021 with a bang. While some are taking a break after the renewal season you can get on offense with whole new benefits program. To attend this webinar, click on the Register Now Button.

See Demo – The Most Comprehensive ICHRA Consulting Tool for Benefits Brokers

Live Demo Every Monday and Thursday at 11:30 EDT

Provided by N4one HR and Benefits, LLC

We Guarantee You Will Say Wow!

Live Demo Every Monday and Thursday at 11:30 EDT

Register Now

The Individual Coverage HRA is a viable option for employers and their employees in many States across the U.S. This 4th quarter it will be important for brokers to properly advise their clients and let them choose as to whether this is something of interest. We have developed what we believe is the most comprehensive ICHRA Consulting Tool for Benefits brokers on the market. See for yourself by watching the demo and then you can judge. 

Sample Features
Compare Group Costs to Individual in Minutes (All 50 States)
Develop Contribution Models
Affordability Testing
Disruption Analysis
Our Unique ACA Risk/Reward Report
10 Comprehensive Reports
And 5 Other Relevant Variables Most Brokers Aren’t Thinking Of

Elevate Your Skills
Become the ICHRA Expert Overnight
Wow Your Clients

If you have questions give Mike a call at 508-446-7142 or send an email to

Webinar Replay – Grow Your Benefits Business 20%

Between changing tax laws, the Coronavirus, a growing budget deficit, and escalating health care costs, I believe employer health insurance is about to change, and maybe faster than many think . I presented a webinar last fall that applies more today than it did then. It is a plan for brokers to grow their business in these uncertain times. Take a look and start the process today.

Click Here to See the Recording

Webinar – Why the Coronavirus Could End Employer-based Health Insurance

June 2nd – 12:00 – 12:45 EDT

Register Now

Employer-based health-insurance participation has been going down for the past 20 years and with this pandemic, those numbers are going down even more at a rapid rate. The Coronavirus pandemic has exposed major flaws in our current system that need to be addressed. In this webinar we will discuss why employer-based health insurance could and maybe should come to an end and present a solution that can drive costs down while improving health care delivery. The good thing is employers can start this transition to a new system right now.

The Agenda for the Webinar is as follows:

  • The Current Problems with Employed-based Insurance
  • The Number One Cause for Skyrocketing Health Insurance Costs
  • How the Coronavirus has exposed the problems
  • A Post-Coronavirus Solution
  • The Bright Future for Health Insurance and Health Care

To register for the webinar just click on the Register Now Button. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 508-498-7591.